Posted by Ram in Xduino release on April 16, 2013
I would like to inform you that XDUINO-IDE is ready, you can download it from
Note that you are only authorized to download this version of
XDUINO-IDE only if you have the STM32 Uploader software in your
Password: y8jgmdn0
Note that the username is all lower-case.
Arduino – The embedded platform programming made simple for ATMEGA/AVR platform
ARM – the processor site ARM architecture – information on wikipedia
ST Microelectronics – A maker of ARM processor of the STM32 family including Cortex-M3
STM 32 Cortex-M3 forum on ST site
Arduino forum – latest happenings with Arduino
Xduino team is currently out of station so we are positing temporary download instructions here : -)
Kindly signup here first:
ADC, Arduino, ARM, ARM compiler, ARM development tools, ARM programming, C++, Compiler, Cortex-m3, DAC, embedded, Interrupt, PWM, Round-robin, simple programming, ST Microelectronics, STM32
We are currently testing out some additional MCUs some comes with Ethernet so the inclusion of TCPIP stack could be included in the future scope. We also have received some request from Apple/Mac OSX users and as we currently don’t have access to any Apple/Mac OSX system and without any funding we cannot proceed on this. However, information pills if we can get some substantial sponsorship/donation we will proceed on this as well as intensively continue our development.
Apple, Arduino, ARM, ARM compiler, ARM development tools, ARM programming, C++, Compiler, embedded, IDE, Mac, OSX, simple programming, ST Microelectronics, STM32
Now if you can program an Arduino then you can easily program on Xduino on 32-bit platform of ARM Cortex-M3.
Want to use low-cost microcontroller with simple programming language and high performance? You can use Xduino + Arm Cortex-M3 STM board.
Xduino project has been started in order to bring Arduino-like environment to different hardware platforms.
(Note: Xduino supports all Arduino functions except analogReference()).
XDUINO IDE is available, so users will have to download the XDUINO-IDE and start enjoying the world of XDUINO on ARM Cortex-M3)
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