Posts Tagged Interrupt

Xduino download update

I would like to inform you that XDUINO-IDE is ready, you can download it from

Note that you are only authorized to download this version of
XDUINO-IDE only if you have the STM32 Uploader software in your

Password: y8jgmdn0

Note that the username is all lower-case.


Arduino – The embedded platform programming made simple for ATMEGA/AVR platform

ARM – the processor site ARM architecture – information on wikipedia

ST Microelectronics – A maker of ARM processor of the STM32 family including Cortex-M3

STM 32 Cortex-M3 forum on ST site

Arduino forum – latest happenings with Arduino
Xduino team is currently out of station so we are positing temporary download instructions here : -)

Kindly signup here first:

Download signup

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Xduino v0.31 released

Xduino v0.31 has been released. This release include STM32f10x required libraries as well as project example file for Keil RV-MDK and IAR EWARMv5.

Minor change has been done for serial port buffering to make sure that buffering is done seperately for each serial port.

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Xduino 0.3 released

(So far Xduino v0.3 has only been tested on board with STM32F10ret6 mcu.)

There are a few things to keep in mind when using Xduino v0.3

Major Features:
All Arduino syntax are compatible with Xduino v0.3 (as per Arduino references and Arduino extended references page except for analogReference() command.

Serial ports
There are total of 5 serial ports so Serial1-5 commands can be used.
There is also a special serial port output command ‘printf’ this function can be used like the general C/C++ printf function on the Serial command like

Serial1.printf(“Xduino v%f”, 0.3);

Math library (math.h)
Mathematical functions are included. For full information please check this math.h page.

Standard library (stdlib.h)
Standard library functions are available. For full information please check this stdlib.h page.

Other C or C++ libraries
Other C and C++ libraries can also be included, extending the limitation of functionality.

Analog ports
All Analog input and Analog output channels have 12-bits data. This means that when reading analog channel by using analogRead() command the returned value is between 0 and 4095 and when writing to analog output channel one can write value 0 and 4095.

Analog input channels (ADC)
There are total of 15 analog input channels with the following channel name corresponding to the Pin on the board:

Analog input channel (ADC) Pin on board
0 PA0
1 PA1
2 PA2
3 PA3
4 PA4
5 PA5
6 PA6
7 PA7
8 PB0
9 PB1
10 PC0
11 PC1
12 PC2
13 PC3
14 PC4
15 PC5

Analog output channels (DAC)
There are 2 DAC channels and each correspond to a port as follow:

Analog output channel (DAC) Pin on board
1 PA4
2 PA5

AnaloglastWrite() function can be used to retrieve the last value written to the analog output (DAC) channel. For example, to get the last value written to analog output channel 2:

int lastvalue;

There are total 16 interrupt channels for digital input pins, the interrupt. Each pin ‘number’ can only be assigned an interrupt. This means that interrupt cannot be assigned to PA5 and PB5 at the same time as the pin ‘number’ is the same.
(note: the interrupt handling function must appear before main() directive of the program if not declaring a function prototype)

pause(ms) and pauseMicroseconds(us)
(delay possible within interrupt routine)
Generally the use of delay functions are not possible within the interrupt handling routine and this is where pause(ms) and pauseMicroseconds(us) comes in. Just specify the number of milliseconds/microseconds to pause the program and pause will handle it even within the interrupt. Note that pause only “approximate” the time to delay.
Example: to pause for approximately 10 milliseconds


Important file setup
To get interrupt functions and timing function working properly the following lines must be added to stm32f10x_it.c appropriately:

void SysTickHandler(void) { SysTick_IRQ_Function(); }

void USART1_IRQHandler(void) { USART1_IRQ_Function(); }
void USART2_IRQHandler(void) { USART2_IRQ_Function(); }
void USART3_IRQHandler(void) { USART3_IRQ_Function(); }
void UART4_IRQHandler(void) { UART4_IRQ_Function(); }
void UART5_IRQHandler(void) { UART5_IRQ_Function(); }

void EXTI0_IRQHandler(void) { EXTI_ALL_IRQ_Function(); }
void EXTI1_IRQHandler(void) { EXTI_ALL_IRQ_Function(); }
void EXTI2_IRQHandler(void) { EXTI_ALL_IRQ_Function(); }
void EXTI3_IRQHandler(void) { EXTI_ALL_IRQ_Function(); }
void EXTI4_IRQHandler(void) { EXTI_ALL_IRQ_Function(); }
void EXTI9_5_IRQHandler(void) { EXTI_ALL_IRQ_Function(); }
void EXTI15_10_IRQHandler(void){ EXTI_ALL_IRQ_Function(); }

Additional minor features
digitalToggle() command can be used to toggle the digital state of the pin from high to low or from low to high. For example to toggle the state of pin PC2


Finally Xduino version 0.3 has been released. This version has all Arduino platform functions except for analogReference() function.

On top of the the above, Xduino have taken a step further by extending the functionalities above and beyond current scope. For more information please check the Documentation section.

This version also includes Keil RV-MDK project file example.

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Xduino v0.2 to be released

Here is an example for dimming the LED connected to PA4 while attaching interrupt to PB8 and PB9. It has been tested with Xduino v0.3 (more projects and examples will be added in the near future)

/* Xduino v0.3 */

#include "main.h"
using namespace compatArduino;

void InterruptPB9(void)
Serial1.printf("(interrupt 9!!! %d)",digitalRead(PB9));

void InterruptPB8(void)
Serial1.printf("(interrupt 8!!! %d)",digitalRead(PB8));

int LedPin = PB7;		// as labelled on ARM Cortex-M3 board

int main(void)

float version=0.3;
double fnumber=1234.5678;
char myinput;

doInit(); 				//Initialize Xduino components, this line is required

Serial1.begin(115200); 	//USART1

Serial1.printf("Starting Xduino (v%f) example program...",version);
Serial1.printf("hello!! %d %d %d",1,2,3);
Serial1.printf("The floating point number is %d",fnumber);




Serial1.printf("This system has been up for %lu milliseconds.",millis());

if(myinput=='a') { digitalWrite(PB1,HIGH); }	// press a to turn PB1 to HIGH state
if(myinput=='b') { digitalWrite(PB1,LOW); }	// press b to turn PB1 to HIGH state
if(myinput=='n') { noInterrupts(); }			// press n to disable all existing interrupts
if(myinput=='i') { interrupts(); }			// press i to enable all existing interrupts
Serial1.printf("Input is %c ...",myinput);

//using analogWrite on channel 1 which is PA4 to dim the LED connected to it
for(int i=0;i<=0x0FFF;i+=0xFF)	// smoothly turn PA4 (DAC port 1) on

for(int j=0x0FFF;j>=0;j-=0xFF)	// smoothly turn PA4 (DAC port 1) off

analogWrite(1,0xFFF);			// Turn on PA4 fully at once
digitalWrite(LedPin,LOW); 		// Turn off PA4 fully at once

}	//## END while(1)

} //## END main()

Xduino v0.12 should come out within the next few days and it will have Serial buffer, Round-robin general purpose library, ADC (Analog input) and might also have DAC (Analog output) functionalities. Note DAC function does not exist in Arduino (yet). PWM function should be coming out soon as well but might not always be needed as there are 2 DAC channels on the ARM Cortex-M3 STM32F10ret6 board which is being used for testing. Arduino compatibility syntax will be provided on the new functions as well.

Xduino v0.12 should come out within the next few days and it will have Serial buffer, Round-robin general purpose library, ADC (Analog input) and might also have DAC (Analfunctionalities. Note DAC function does not exist in Arduino (yet). PWM function should be coming out soon as well but might not always be needed as there are 2 DAC channels on the ARM Cortex-M3 STM32F10ret6 board which is being used for testing. Arduino compatibility syntax will be provided on the new functions as well.

Xduino v0.12 should come out within the next few days and it will have Serial buffering (user can define size), Round-robin general purpose library, ADC (Analog input) and might also have DAC (Analog output) functionalities. Note DAC function does not exist in Arduino platform (yet). PWM function should be coming out soon as well but might not always be needed as there are 2 DAC channels on the ARM Cortex-M3 STM32F10ret6 board which is being used for testing. Arduino compatibility syntax will be provided on the new functions as well.

All suggestions are welcome. Enjoy!
The next release of Xduino will be version 0.2 making a jump from version 0.1x as most of the Arduino programming functions has been implemented along with additional features, especially those exceeding what current Arduino platform can provide.

Supported Arduino syntax will be:

pinMode digitalWrite digitalRead

analogRead (12-bits 0-4095 range)

analogWrite (12-bits 0-4095 range true Analog output not PWM)

attachInterrupt (upto 16 interrupts)
detachInterrupt interrupts noInterrupts

delay delayMicroseconds millis micros

Serial – print println read available flush

on top of this more advanced functionality will include:

Setting Serial port Rx and Tx buffer size
Serial.printf – optional C style printf function for Serial port eg.
printf(“hello %d”, 123);

digitalToggle – toggle state of digital output

analogLastwrite – get the latest value set by analogwrite

(General purpose Round-Robin library will be included.)

along with endless possibilities offered by C++ libraries

More to follow… Suggestions are always welcome!

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About XDuino

Arduino platform has definitely enabled a lot of people including those non-tech savvy ones to enter into the electronics worlds. From the beauty of Arduino, now comes the challenge in making Arduino-like environment accessible across as many hardware platforms as possible. This would enable the simplicity and yet powerful Arduino platform to harvest on more powerful resources provided by different hardware to overcome hardware limitations based on different needs.

This approach will never be fully realized without contributors. So all contributions are welcome. Also, comments/suggestions will be highly appreciated. : -)

Let’s see what wonders we can create together…

Now, a little about me. My name is Ram, I am an independent IT consultant based in Bangkok and really like the Arduino project but it did not fit my needs so I started playing with ARM and manage to understand a bit about it then started this project. Feel free to contact me via the Contact us page : -)

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