I would like to inform you that XDUINO-IDE is ready, you can download it from
Note that you are only authorized to download this version of
XDUINO-IDE only if you have the STM32 Uploader software in your
Username: temporary@xduino.com
Password: y8jgmdn0
Note that the username is all lower-case.
Arduino – The embedded platform programming made simple for ATMEGA/AVR platform
ARM – the processor site ARM architecture – information on wikipedia
ST Microelectronics – A maker of ARM processor of the STM32 family including Cortex-M3
STM 32 Cortex-M3 forum on ST site
Arduino forum – latest happenings with Arduino
Xduino team is currently out of station so we are positing temporary download instructions here : -)
Kindly signup here first: