Xduino – ARM Compiler and IDE with Arduino-like support
Archive for category embedded
MCU and boards testing
We are currently testing out some additional MCUs some comes with Ethernet so the inclusion of TCPIP stack could be included in the future scope. We also have received some request from Apple/Mac OSX users and as we currently don’t have access to any Apple/Mac OSX system and without any funding we cannot proceed on this. However, information pills if we can get some substantial sponsorship/donation we will proceed on this as well as intensively continue our development.
Apple, Arduino, ARM, ARM compiler, ARM development tools, ARM programming, C++, Compiler, embedded, IDE, Mac, OSX, simple programming, ST Microelectronics, STM32
ARM compiler, uploader, programming library all in XDUINO-IDE
Posted by Ram in ARM, compiler, Cortex-M3, development tools, embedded, programming, programming example, Xduino release on September 24, 2009
Please support us by donating to us so we can continue to develop this project further.
XDUINO-IDE (v0.91) with XDUINO Library:
This contains XDUINO Integrated Development Environment with upload tools (interface for programming and uploading to the device).
Please signup at Download signup page and we’ll contact you with download instructions.
Once you have downloaded and wishes to register the software for support and to let us know who you are and how we can assist you in future you can fill the form at Registration page
XDUINO Library Only
[download id=”424″ format=”1″]
Xduino currently supports the following ARM Cortex-M3 STM32f103ret6 board.
Price: US$30 + $10shipping
(Contact us here to buy)
Currently 4 in stock
(the shipping price is for Europe, decease
USA, ed
India, Singapore for other countries please contact us)
(for big quantity order please email us)

ARM STAMP Cortex-M3 STM32F10ret6 board
If you are interested in getting this board you can contact us.
The board has following features:
- 5 Serial ports
- 48 General purpose input/output pins (GPIO)
- 16 Analog input channels 12-bits (ADC)
- 2 Analog output channels 12-bits (DAC)
- 512 Kbytes of Flash memory
- 68 Kbytes of RAM
- 3 SPI ports (2 can do I2S)
- 2 I2C
- 1 USB
- 1 CAN
- 1 SDIO
- Use MCU 32Bit ARM Cortex-M3 64Pin (LQFP) of “STmicroelectronicsâ€
- Use Crystal 8.00MHz + Phase-Locked Loop (PLL), Run 72MHz frequency with speed 1.25 DMIPS/MHz to process data that is equivalent to 90MIPS
- Has RTC (Real Time Clock) Circuit with XTAL 32.768KHz and Battery Backup connector
- Support In-System Programming (ISP) and In-Application Programming (IAP) through On-Chip Boot-Loader Software via Port USART1 (RS232)
- Has RS232 Communication Circuit that uses Connector 4-PIN
- Has 48 Bit GPIO with 5V-Tolerant for independent digital applications (maximum analog input is 3.3V)
- Use +3.3V Power Supply
- Connector is placed on 50 Pin Header with a distance of 2.54mm (100mil) (25 pins per side) with a distance of 1.5 inch (1500mil/38.1mm), so it is quite easy to use and expand I/O Circuit. Moreover, it can be used with Project Board and PCB.
Now as XDUINO-IDE is ready for download, these are the list of components you will find in XDUINO-IDE. This platform provides ease of compiling and uploading to the ARM Cortex-M3 devices by simply clicking the button on the main interface : -).
Main components includes:
- Free ARM compiler
- ARM compiler with C and C++ libraries
- ARM Cortex-M3 stm32f series mcu firmware/software uploader
- XDUINO library for programming with Arduino-like syntax
- Programming template in XDUINO and general ARM styles
- and much much more..
What are you waiting for, you can signup to download it now from Download page.
ARM compiler, ARM development tools, ARM programming, C++, Compiler, Cortex-m3, IDE, simple programming
XDUINO-IDE v0.91 available now
Posted by Ram in ARM, compiler, Cortex-M3, development tools, embedded, programming, programming example, Xduino release on September 20, 2009
XDUINO-IDE is ready for you to use with ARM Cortex-M3 STM32 boards. : -) Just fill out fill in the registration form on Download page.
Here is a screen shot:
XDUINO IDE v0.91 screen shot
XDUINO-IDE v0.91 released
Posted by Ram in ARM, compiler, Cortex-M3, development tools, embedded, programming, programming example on September 7, 2009
XDUINO-IDE (v0.91) with integrated uploader tool is finally here. The current release will only be available for those who have bought an XDUINO board from us.
If you have bought a board from us and wants to download the IDE, site please send us a note and we’ll get back to you asap.
XDUINO package with library files has been renamed XDUINO-lib.
There is also a minor upgrade for XDUINO-lib in the just released version 0.33
Happy XDUINOing
Arduino, ARM, ARM compiler, ARM development tools, ARM programming, C++, Compiler, Cortex-m3, embedded, IDE, simple programming
XDUINO board in stock and XDUINO-IDE coming
Posted by Ram in ARM, Cortex-M3, embedded, programming example on September 3, 2009
We have restocked XDuino boards, price please check on our ‘hardware’ page to see what we have.

ARM STAMP Cortex-M3 STM32F10ret6 board
Yes, sale this is an official : -) announcement that XDUINO-IDE will be coming out within the next few days (not more than 1-2 days)….
About XDuino
Posted by Ram in ARM, compiler, Cortex-M3, detail, development tools, embedded, programming, programming example on July 12, 2009
Arduino platform has definitely enabled a lot of people including those non-tech savvy ones to enter into the electronics worlds. From the beauty of Arduino, now comes the challenge in making Arduino-like environment accessible across as many hardware platforms as possible. This would enable the simplicity and yet powerful Arduino platform to harvest on more powerful resources provided by different hardware to overcome hardware limitations based on different needs.
This approach will never be fully realized without contributors. So all contributions are welcome. Also, comments/suggestions will be highly appreciated. : -)
Let’s see what wonders we can create together…
Now, a little about me. My name is Ram, I am an independent IT consultant based in Bangkok and really like the Arduino project but it did not fit my needs so I started playing with ARM and manage to understand a bit about it then started this project. Feel free to contact me via the Contact us page : -)
ADC, Arduino, ARM, ARM compiler, ARM development tools, ARM programming, C++, Compiler, Cortex-m3, DAC, embedded, IDE, Interrupt, PWM, Round-robin, simple programming
Arduino-like library for ARM platform
Posted by Ram in ARM, detail, embedded, programming on July 12, 2009
Arduino platform has definitely enabled a lot of people including those non-tech savvy ones to enter into the electronics worlds. From the beauty of Arduino, now comes the challenge in making Arduino-like environment accessible across as many hardware platforms as possible. This would enable the simplicity and yet powerful Arduino platform users to harvest on more powerful resources provided by different hardware to overcome hardware limitations based on different needs.
This approach can never be realized without contributors. So all contributions are welcome. Also, more about comments/suggestions will be highly appreciated. : -)
Let’s see what wonders we can create together…
You can view the list of currently supported platforms on the Platform page
Now, a little about me. My name is Ram, I am an independent IT consultant based in Bangkok and really like the Arduino project but it did not fit my needs so I started playing with ARM and manage to understand a bit about it then started this project. Feel free to contact me via the Contact us page : -)
Arduino-like library for ARM platform
This project has been started for making ARM processor boards (the platform which is much more powerful)Â be easily accessible just like Arduino. Nowadays you can find ARM boards easily.
This idea came about when running into limitation of resources provided by the ATMEGA processor and with short learning curve for Arduino platform.
This starting point focuses on ARM Cortex-M3 processor from STM32F10ret6 platform it runs at 72MHz processor 512KB of flash memory and 64KB of RAM, many several USART communication ports and a lot of GPIO pins.
Library for other boards will be added as the board gets within reach.
See more at Platform page
You are currently browsing the archives for the embedded category.
A project from Thailand
Xduino project
Now if you can program an Arduino then you can easily program on Xduino on 32-bit platform of ARM Cortex-M3.
Want to use low-cost microcontroller with simple programming language and high performance? You can use Xduino + Arm Cortex-M3 STM board.
Xduino project has been started in order to bring Arduino-like environment to different hardware platforms.
(Note: Xduino supports all Arduino functions except analogReference()).
XDUINO IDE is available, so users will have to download the XDUINO-IDE and start enjoying the world of XDUINO on ARM Cortex-M3)
Copyright (c) 2009 Ram Narula Programs are distributed under GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL)